Sean Taylor


Global CEO

Joined in: Co-founder (1993)
Location: Bracknell, UK (Global Headquarters)

肖恩是红木科技集团的联合创始人兼全球首席执行官. He is responsible for the strategic direction and day-to-day management of the Group. 肖恩的商业专业知识使集团始终处于客户体验行业的最前沿, 他还在技术层面与核心团队一起工作,定义高水平的产品设计. Since its foundation in 1993, 红木科技公司是一家领先的全通道通信服务器供应商, which supplies large enterprises, government bodies and CSPs (Communication Services Providers) in over 60 countries.

Previously, Sean worked in the engineering team of Rhetorex Inc. (acquired by Lucent), a pioneer in the field of Computer Telephony, both in the UK and in San Jose, California. 他是CBI企业论坛的成员,目前是其人工智能工作组的一员.

2018年1月,肖恩被任命为伯克郡皇家郡副中尉, and he serves with numerous charitable and voluntary organizations in the area, including as a Trustee of Berkshire Community Foundation (BCF), a charity specializing in the care of vulnerable adults and children. Having represented Berkshire at county level in cross-country running as a teenager, he is now President of Bracknell Athletics Club.

Sean拥有国王学院电子和计算机科学荣誉学士学位, 并通过每年颁发的红木技术奖(Redwood Technologies Prize)与伦敦大学保持联系,以表彰电信和互联网技术理学硕士项目的最佳表现.

Martin Taylor


Deputy CEO

Joined in: Co-founder (1993)
Location: Bracknell, UK (Global Headquarters)

Martin Taylor is one of the co-founders of the Redwood Technologies Group, responsible for strategic market development and the company’s public sector practice. A leading innovator in customer engagement solutions, Martin is a regular speaker at international conferences and in the media. He is an elected member of the CBI South-East Council, 英国国家卫生服务数字和紧急护理战略委员会成员,以及生命信托基金的法官. Martin also guest lectures for the Peter Jones Enterprise Foundation, 哪些培训弱势青年建立和经营自己的企业.

After graduating from King’s College, University of London, with a BSc (Hons) in Business Management, Martin worked as a futures market analyst in Asia. He returned to the UK to help launch Redwood Technologies in 1993, 开发新的海外领地——尤其是新兴市场——并将红木强大而独特的核心技术应用于新的行业. As a key King’s College Alumnus, 他还是伦敦大学国王学院商学院顾问委员会成员, where he is a regular guest lecturer on strategy.

A pioneer in real-time billing, 马丁早期与解除管制的电信运营商的合作直接导致了多租户, multi-level, multimedia accounting nature of Content Guru’s storm services. 马丁还设计了许多重要的互动媒体和支付应用程序,这些应用程序今天在世界各地都很常见.

In his spare time Martin is a keen runner, having once been the Berkshire cross country champion and competing, along with Sean, in the English Schools Cross Country Championships.

John Rees


Chief Operating Officer

Joined in: 2010
Location: Bracknell, UK (Global Headquarters)

As Redwood Technologies Group’s Chief Operating Officer (COO), 自2010年以来,John一直负责公司的商业和财务战略, 并继续成为其在客户体验行业取得成功的推动力. Alongside this, 他负责管理大客户的开发,并推动向国际市场的扩张, particularly the US. 约翰的主要职责是监督集团的财务和商业日常活动. This includes management and financial reporting, the business model, and legal and supplier relationships.

John graduated from Durham University with a BA (Hons) degree in Business Economics. An avid cricket fan, until recently he was captain of his local team, 他继续管理场地,一边打曲棍球,一边与家人共度时光.

Robert Mansfield



Joined in: 1996
Location: Bracknell, UK (Global Headquarters)

Robert于1996年加入Redwood Technologies Group,负责集团的开发和运营结构. 他加入朗讯科技电脑电话产品部(前身为Rhetorex Inc .).), where he worked from graduation, having started in technical support and finished as Engineering Manager. With over 20 years of experience in software engineering and communications, 他是集团领先的云通信架构的关键设计权威.

As Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Robert负责集团创新客户参与和体验解决方案的开发, 并且在整个业务中引入敏捷开发技术和看板组织过程方面发挥了重要作用. Robert是集团成功的关键,并负责通过软件开发管理未来的产品发布, network design and security.


Michael van den Brink


Country Manager (Netherlands & DACH)

Joined in: 2013
Location: The Hague, The Netherlands (Benelux Headquarters)

Michael van den Brink是内容大师比荷卢和内容大师DACH地区的国家经理, part of the Redwood Technologies Group. He joined the Group in March 2013, bringing a wealth of management experience in the Dutch market from KPN, where he was serving as Director of Sales for Large Enterprise. Michael manages the Group’s Benelux Headquarters. 他负责确保红木科技集团的客户获得一流的服务. Michael运用他的管理经验来扩大公司在比荷卢地区的销售和品牌知名度.

毕业于阿姆斯特丹应用科学大学,获得工商管理学位, Michael joined KPN’s Business Market division as a Project Manager, 此后,他迅速晋升为面向消费者市场的销售工具新版本的实施经理.

A keen swimmer, Michael was Chairman of his local water polo and swim club for five years, and still enjoys the sport regularly. He does a lot of running, both for sport and after his three children.

Chris Franklin


Head of Development Engineering

Joined in: 2017
Location: Bracknell, UK (Global Headquarters)

Chris Franklin是开发工程主管,负责管理集团的研究 & Development arm and co-ordinating product strategy. 他专注于人工智能等新兴技术和能力的创新,确保集团继续在全球范围内优化和扩展核心技术. Chris joined from GlaxoSmithKline, 他在那里担任CPMS(临床药理学建模和模拟)开发和技术经理, and previously, Principal Technical Lead.

克里斯在诺丁汉大学完成了散射理论博士学位,并应用于μ子催化聚变和正电子H2+碰撞, having previously graduated from St Johns College, Oxford, with a BA in Mathematics. While at university, Chris was awarded the Thomas White Scholarship, St. John’s College, 1989年在牛津大学毕业,1987年进入英国奥林匹克数学代表队12强。.


Project Management Director

Joined in: 2005
Location: Bracknell, UK (Global Headquarters)

Matt has been part of the Group for 15 years. He oversees the Project Management team, 负责确保客户需求在交付端到端云解决方案时得到满足 storm platform. Matt的主要工作重点是为Redwood Technologies Group屡获殊荣的公用事业和医疗保健部署确保卓越的客户参与和体验, which provide essential services to millions of people.

Matt joined Redwood Technologies as a new graduate, 在格洛斯特郡大学获得计算机科学和商业计算机系统(荣誉)学士学位, and retains a fascination for all things technological. Matt has always loved travelling, and remembers his visits to other parts of the world fondly, especially his time in Peru and scuba-diving in Egyptian waters.

Sam Fuller


Customer Success Director

Joined in: 2021
Location: Bracknell, UK (Global Headquarters)

Sam Fuller is Customer Success Director for the Redwood Technologies Group, with responsibility for driving value for the Group’s clients.

Sam在客户旅程中的每个接触点都与面向客户的团队密切合作, 确保公司自己的客户体验达到最终用户交付的高标准.

Sam has 20 years in various Customer Service and Sales roles, most recently as Head of Experience for Bulb.

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